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August 16, 2024

Joined-up economics to end the two-child cap

London boroughs collectively spend £90m a month on TA, the effect of dissonate policies. The benefit cap traps some families in TA. It’s like squeezing a balloon moving the air around to achieve savings in one area, increasing spending in another… There is only one pot of money but competing departmental targets have resulted in policy that keeps squeezing the balloon in apparently random ways.

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August 14, 2024

The Cost of Living Crisis and its Impact on Working Families

The cost-of-living crisis is an escalating issue across the UK, with more working families feeling the pinch as they struggle to manage rising expenses. This situation has brought the role of state benefits, particularly Universal Credit (UC), into sharper focus. Many working families now rely on these benefits to make ends meet, challenging the outdated notion that benefits are solely for the unemployed or disabled. 

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August 1, 2024

Our unique offer to Londoners, landlords, and investors

Everything we do adds value to society, some is intangible like, well, happiness… other value is concrete; firstly finding a safe secure home for those who desperately need it, by providing a safe platform from which people can grow, enhancing local communities, and the value circulates. It’s why ESG investors are so interested in our work.

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July 16, 2024

The Positive Social Impact of Quality Housing for Families

The importance of good housing as a fundamental human need cannot be overstated. It’s a basic human right essential for personal stability, security, and self-respect. But beyond the immediate provision, good housing good housing provides broader societal benefits and forms the bedrock of family life, enabling individuals to thrive, access vital services, and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

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June 13, 2024

Beyond profits: Calculating Social Return on Investment (SROI)

For investors seeking to make a meaningful impact beyond financial returns, understanding the essence and impact of the Social dimension within the ESG framework is vital. In this first instalment of our blog series on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing, we delve into the crucial “S” component and the principles to calculating Social Return […]

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July 15, 2024

Look for Solutions in Our Urban Environment

There are hundreds upon hundreds of possible conversion sites in London, they are where people live, and work, and spend their lives, they are all sorts of buildings from offices and light industrial to commercial, and local authority buildings. As work and shopping habits have changed, the dead spots where shops and offices used to be could become a range of affordable housing options. Some forward thinking councils are already exploring this option – so it can be done, and done successfully.

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May 15, 2024

Capital Letters recognised by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation

We are proud to be recognised by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) as an organisation that is building the foundations for better lives in London.

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation report “Bringing private homes into social ownership can rewire the housing system” has recognised that the Capital Letters model can be part of the future for London housing.

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May 31, 2024

No-Fault evictions rise by 52% in London

Last year there were 11,880 no-fault evictions in London, an increase of 52% year-on-year.

Based on average occupancy, 27,000 people have been made homeless or put at risk of homelessness in the last year.

That’s enough people to fill half of the Emirates Stadium, or all of The Oval.

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May 24, 2024

“Section 21” must end

“Section 21” evictions are the biggest cause of family homelessness – often resulting in a family finding themselves living in insecure, poor quality Temporary Accommodation, far from work, and schools, and support services.

Once a family is in Temporary Accommodation (TA) it can take years to find a new settled home. In the meantime education, work, health, and finances suffer… and society suffers.

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May 22, 2024

London rents up by 10% – We need a new system

The rental system in London is broken, and that’s where Capital Letters comes in. For the last 6 years we have been building the foundations of a new system that prioritises ethical practice, and societal good – helping Londoners who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness to build lives in secure, stable, affordable and good quality homes.

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March 15, 2024

Capital letters and Home Safe Housing sign £750m partnership

Capital Letters and the registered housing charity Home Safe Housing are bringing up to 2,500 high quality affordable rental homes to London in a ground-breaking £750m partnership.

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November 28, 2023

Call for more Support for Renters & Landlords

Capital Letters, the unique not-for-profit owned by London boroughs is calling for more financial support.

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October 31, 2023

Section 21 Evictions

Section 21 allows “no fault” evictions, leading to family homelessness.

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October 5, 2023

London rents hit record high

The average London rent is at a record high of £2,627 per calendar month.

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August 4, 2023

The state of the private rented sector in London

Analysing Trends and Effective Solutions.

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October 23, 2023

Renter’s Reform Bill 2nd reading

We’re calling on the government for balance in support of tenants and landlords.

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October 10, 2023

Urgent call for more homes on World Homelessness Day

We are driven by a profound sense of purpose – to alleviate the suffering of families who find themselves without a place to call home.

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July 28, 2023

Can repurposing commercial properties solve the UK housing crisis?

As the demand for housing continues to outpace the supply, addressing the crisis has become an urgent and complex task that requires innovative solutions and efforts from policymakers, developers, and communities alike. With soaring property prices, a shortage of affordable housing, and rising interest rates and rental costs, the housing crisis has left countless individuals […]

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July 6, 2023

Government supports Capital Letter’s hunt for housing

The Government has confirmed funding of £14.1m for Capital Letters for a further two years, showing its continuing commitment to tackling family homelessness in London and Capital Letters. Eddie Hughes, Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing, announced the grant renewal at a Capital Letters conference today (6 July 2022), when he underlined the not-for-profit company’s role in […]

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