Tenancy Sustainment during COVID-19 outbreak

24th March 2020

Following the developing situation in respect of the coronavirus, and the most recent advice given by the Government, Capital Letters have made some decisions in regard to the services we offer.

We have closed the main office but will continue to conduct ‘business as usual’ and customers can continue to contact us TenancyManagementSustainment@capitalletters.org.uk

What are we doing to protect customers?

Our top priority during this period of uncertainty is our customers and our workforce.

We have begun to implement contingency plans to reduce face-to-face contact in the hope that by taking these actions now we can continue to provide as many of the services we do normally, for as long as we can.

We are still able to handle day-to-day enquiries, but we may deal with them in a different way to how we have done previously.

We thank our customers for their patience during this very difficult period – by being positive and working together we can get through this.

What if I have difficulties paying my rent?

We understand that the coronavirus is likely to affect lots of people in different ways, and we are here to help you where we can.

If you have concerns about your rent or help making sure you are receiving any benefits you are entitled to please call us on 020 3906 7460

or email our tenancy management & sustainment team on TenancyManagementSustainment@capitalletters.org.uk

The Government has posted information on the coronavirus and claiming benefits which may be helpful to you here: https://www.understandinguniversalcredit.gov.uk/coronavirus/


There is a lot of information about the coronavirus online.

If you are concerned you could have the virus or want more information, then please go to see the advice on the NHS website here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/

And further information is also available on the Government’s main website here: https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response

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